Texas business filing numbers show steady growth during first half of 2015
Contact: Alicia Pierce or Mari Bergman
Austin, TX — Today, Texas Secretary of State Carlos Cascos released numbers showing a pattern of continued growth in new business formations for the first half of 2015.
“The Texas economy continues to grow as more businesses are established across the state,” said Secretary Cascos. “This increase represents optimism about the Texas economy as people continue to start new businesses and invest in our state.”
From January 1, 2015 through June 30, 83,235 certificates of formation were filed with the secretary of state’s office to form new Texas for-profit corporations, professional corporations, professional associations, limited liability companies, and limited partnerships. This is an almost 4 percent increase from 2014 when 80,039 certificates of formation were filed in the same time period.
Limited liability companies made up a large majority of the new business filings with 64,221 formations.
June showed the largest increase when comparing the same months from 2014 to 2015. More than 14,000 for-profit corporations, professional corporations, professional associations, limited liability companies, and limited partnerships were formed from June 1 through June 30, 2015, a 10.5 percent increase from June of 2014.
The limited liability company business structure continues to be the entity of choice with 11,988 formation filings in June.
“Texas continues to attract new businesses month after month as reflected by these numbers, said Secretary Cascos. “Our message has been loud and clear; Texas is open for business.”