Texas Workforce Commission

Rule Transfer

Senate Bill (SB) 1351 and House Bill (HB) 3062, enacted by the 84th Texas Legislature (2015), transfer the administration of the Jobs and Education for Texans (JET) Grant Program from the Comptroller of Public Accounts to the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC). As noted in §7(2) of SB 1351 and §8(2) of HB 3062, all rules that are related to the JET Grant Program are continued in effect as rules of TWC until superseded by a rule or other appropriate act of TWC. The transfer became effective immediately upon a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, which date was June 10, 2015 for HB 3062 and June 16, 2015 for SB 1351.

In order to comply with SB 1351 and HB 3062, the Texas Register administratively transfers Texas Administrative Code, Title 34, Part 1, Chapter 8, §§8.1, 8.11 - 8.14, 8.21 - 8.25, and 8.41, concerning the JET Grant Program, to Title 40, Part 20, Chapter 804, §§804.1, 804.11 - 804.14, 804.21 - 804.25, and 804.41.

Please refer to Figure: 34 TAC Chapter 8 to see the complete conversion chart.
