Coastal Coordination Advisory Committee
Rule Transfer

During the 82nd Legislative Session, the Texas Legislature passed Senate Bill (S.B.) 656, abolishing the Coastal Coordination Council (Council) and transferring the duties and powers of the Council to the General Land Office, as reflected in Texas Natural Resources Code Chapter 33, Subchapter C and Subchapter F, the Coastal Coordination Act. In S.B. 656 it is stated: "A reference in another law or an administrative rule to the Coastal Coordination Council means the General Land Office." This provision remains important to the General Land Office's administration of the Texas Coastal Management Program, as there are many rules in the Texas Administrative Code (TAC) that continue to refer to the Coastal Coordination Council. In the interest of clarity and to the extent practicable, however, the General Land Office has endeavored to explicitly change references from the Coastal Coordination Council to the General Land Office. To further this endeavor, the General Land Office is herein administratively transferring the rules from Title 31, Part 16, Chapters 501, 503, 504, 505 and 506, to Title 31, Part 1, Chapters 26, 27, 28, 29 and 30.

The rules will be transferred in the Texas Administrative Code effective December 1, 2022.

The following table outlines the rule transfer:

Figure: 31 TAC Part 16 (.pdf)
