Part I. Texas Department of Health

Chapter 34. Waiver Program for Medically Dependent Children

25 TAC §§34.1-34.4

(Editor's Note: Chapter 15, Acts of the 72nd Legislature, 1st called session, 1991 (House Bill 7), as amended by Chapter 747, Acts of the 73rd Legislature, 1993 (House Bill 1510), authorized the Health and Human Services Commission, as a single state agency to administer Medicaid funds, to review programs and to transfer health and human services functions, programs, and activities among the state's health and human service agencies.

The Waiver Program for Medically Department Children, formerly administered by the Texas Department of Human Services, is being administratively transferred from Title 40, Part I, Chapter 48 to Title 25, Part I, Chapter 34 effective September 1, 1995.

Figure: 40 TAC Chapter 48 and 25 TAC Chapter 34